Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

любовь к моей жизни

So, Mike's folks asked me to take his senior portraits,
which was quite scary to me because I had never taken serious portraits
of anyone before. I have done the occasional shoot with my sister,
but those photos are mainly for fun and experimenting....

When they asked, I couldn't say no, and I decided that I was going
to just jump right into it and see what happened.
They told me they wanted photos that were unlike the typical
senior portrait. They wanted shots that showed Mike's personality
and his passions rather than have him dressed up in clothes
that he usually would not wear.

We decided to use locations all around his house, the Brandywine Canoe Outfitters
was the main location of shooting, but we also shot at a set of train tracks, and in
this private nature reserve called The Laurels that Mike's family
has access to. So, here is the outcome of the shoot.
Please comment and give feedback!

Banjo 1

Banjo 2

Banjo 3

Tall grass 1

Texture 1

Texture 2

Texture 3

Kayak Shack


Window 1

Window 2

Tall Grass 2

Tall Grass 3

Tall Grass 4


если Вы приехали к стороне, Вы будете сторона трудно

This weekend my Mike's sister and a bunch of her friends had a classy dinner
party at Mike's house, so I decided to take a few photos!

Mike fixing his tie...
roof top
just the two of us
a new friend, kelsey
60's mod band

Я полагаю, что все будут прощены

Hello anyone who is reading this!

This past weekend my boything (Mike) and I decided to go out
and shoot some publicity photos for our folk-rock duo!

We have been dating for almost two years now and
have been writing together for about a year and a half.
Over the past year or so we have performed over 30 shows together
of our original music, and just went by the name "Jenny and Mike".
(I know, lame right?)

We have finally decided on what we want to call ourselves:
The Modena Travellers

Be on the look out for new material from us!
If you want to listen to our old stuff, take a look at:

Anyway, here are a few of the shots that I set up:

Thursday, May 27, 2010

о места Вы пойдете.

So, today was the last day of my pfa school days. I will be there throughout the next two weeks for the murder mystery, but I am done with my classes!
Here are some photos I've taken in the last week, some from home, and some from using the school's lighting and back drop.
Hope you enjoy!

Monday, March 22, 2010

о вещи я сделал

Recent photography.

Triple the skin.

Squared and scared.



Mike's shoes.



Triple the old.

Manly fun.






Monday, March 15, 2010

What I've been up to...

Please look at these images on my flickr account so see them bigger and in better quality.
